Volume 2

★ ★ ★

The dangerous first year

How a new president can prepare for national security crises

Volume Editor
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Briefing Room

Presidential Daily Briefs

What the creation of the PDBs can teach the next president about working with the intelligence community

December 12, 2016 Thomas A. Reinstein

Presidential transition: Somalia

Photo courtesy of DoD

The George H. W. Bush oral history project examines Somalia and the transition from Bush to Clinton

December 08, 2016 Bryan Craig

Debate promises: defense (1980)

Paul Drabot / Shutterstock.com

Looking back at defense spending as a debate promise made by Ronald Reagan

October 18, 2016 Bryan Craig

The Chinese riddle

chuyuss / Shutterstock.com

History teaches the next president that friendly initial overtures can backfire

September 05, 2016 Joe Riley

Millennial Caucus: national security threats facing country

Millennial Caucus, February 2016

UVA students say ISIS is top national security threat, disagree on proper response

June 01, 2016 Darby Hobbs and Uma Mengale

Redefining national security

A7880S / Shutterstock.com

Mark R. Wilson argues that the next president should rethink the budget for national security

March 23, 2016 Mark R. Wilson

Looking backward, looking forward

Denys Turavtsov / Shutterstock.com

History and the future of US-Cuban relations

March 18, 2016 Cristina Lopez-Gottardi Chao and Marc J. Selverstone

Sober Decision

Straight 8 Photography / Shutterstock.com

The next president must weigh carefully the decision to go to war

March 03, 2016 Slade Gorton

Five keywords for the next president

Jirsak / Shutterstock.com

Five keywords that will help the next president face global crises

March 02, 2016 Will Hitchcock

Looking to Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan Library

Jeff Chidester on how Reagan used tough talk during the 1980 campaign

February 24, 2016 Jeff Chidester

First year advice from Fredrik Logevall

Harvard history professor offers two pieces of advice for the next president

February 18, 2016 Sheila Blackford

How to prepare for national security challenges

Department of Defense

Michèle Flournoy on how the next president can prepare for the national security challenges ahead

February 17, 2016 Michèle Flournoy

Human rights as an essential element for national security

Mdesignstudio / Shutterstock.com

Vanessa Walker illustrates why human rights should be central to national security priorities

February 11, 2016 Vanessa Walker

The “General” Election: Dwight Eisenhower (1952)

U.S. Army

The “General” Election is a four-part blog series examining how career generals won the presidency and governed

February 10, 2016 Bryan Craig

Climate change is a threat to national security

Ryan Rodrick Beiler / Shutterstock.com

Stephen Macekura argues that the next president should make addressing climate change a priority

February 09, 2016 Stephen Macekura

Overlearning the lessons of history

Pete Souza, The White House

David Adesnik considers the danger of presidents' contempt for their predecessors

February 04, 2016 David Adesnik

The “General” Election: Ulysses S. Grant (1868)

The “General” Election is a four-part blog series examining how career generals won the presidency and governed

February 03, 2016 Stefanie Georgakis Abbott

Moving beyond the Cold War

catwalker / Shutterstock.com

Joy Rohde examines how Cold War history limits our approach to modern foreign policy

February 02, 2016 Joy Rohde

The “General” Election: Zachary Taylor (1848)

The “General” Election is a four-part blog series examining how career generals won the presidency and governed

January 27, 2016 Bryan Craig

Leading the Impossible Presidency

Malchev / Shutterstock

Jeremi Suri on how meeting the American public's unrealistic expectations will require a superhero

January 26, 2016 Jeremi Suri

The urgent need for real national security

First Year author Jeremi Suri writes about the importance of strategic planning and the first year

January 25, 2016 Sheila Blackford

This week in the first year

White House Photograph Courtesy Gerald R. Ford Library

January 21, 1977: President Carter pardons Vietnam-War era draft evaders

January 21, 2016 Sheila Blackford

The “General” Election: George Washington (1788)

The “General” Election is a four-part blog series examining how career generals won the presidency and governed

January 20, 2016 Alex Welch

Volume 2: Facing national security challenges

Oleg Zabielin / Shutterstock

Volume 2 of the First Year project, focusing on national security

January 11, 2016 Will Hitchcock

The next president’s inevitable first year national security crisis

The Miller Center will release Volume 2: National Security of its First Year Project on January 14th.

January 08, 2016 Howard Witt

Lucadamo on the Joe Thomas radio show

Listen to Tony Lucadamo talk about whether experience can prepare the next president on the Joe Thomas radio show.

November 23, 2015 Sheila Blackford

The dangerous first year: Essays

Epic misadventure

Marc Selverstone

The vision thing

Hal Brands

Hippocratic diplomacy

Jeffrey A. Engel

It’s not just the economy, stupid

Jeremi Suri

Trust but clarify

Melvyn P. Leffler

Smaller but sharper

Philip Zelikow

Best practices

Michèle Flournoy